Posing in front of the “Kugel” – a giant globe mounted on the Great Commission – at our alma mater, CalBaptist

Good Friday, Blogging Family! Today marks one week since we finished that blessed, insane month of speaking and traveling that I introduced to you a few posts ago as the Walking with Grace Speaking Tour. Highlights included Bob Jones University in South Carolina (virtual), Wheaton College in Illinois (in-person), and California Baptist University in Southern California (in-person), followed by a six-day trip to Georgia to meet my newborn niece.

Thank you so much for your tireless prayer support over the past 40 days!!! Just the thought of navigating an airport, with its myriad flashing lights and other seizure triggers, seemed well-nigh impossible last year when we were praying about accepting these speaking engagements.  They seemed even more out of the question when I imagined combining travel with the (to me) excessively-fatiguing act of standing and talking in front of a group of people for 60-90 minutes, often twice a day.

God’s fingerprints were truly all over this trip! Not only is it an irrefutable testimony that I am now no longer having seizures, but it’s also an incontrovertible proof that his marvelous strength was empowering me as I completed itineraries that fell miles outside my usual abilities. (Some of you may remember that I struggle with chronic fatigue and often take multiple naps a day.) 

As a thank-you for your relentless and enthusiastic support during this new phase in our ministry, I thought I’d share a few of our favorite photos from each stop to give y’all an insider’s look at life on the road and some of the moments that were special blessings to Ivan and me.  Thanks as always for walking with us! ❤ 

I turned 31 the day before we left for Wheaton…Mom named it “31 on 31” and surprised me with a mini ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins.
Wheaton, here we come! It’s somewhere around 6 am and one of us had definitely had more caffeine than the other…
Sound check at Edman Memorial Chapel. The livestream cameras focused mainly on stage, but we were blown away by the chapel’s historic architecture!
Welcome to the world, little one! We can’t wait to meet you very soon! ❤
Writers gotta write…Each day felt like a marathon, but I did my best to make sure y’all had the insider’s scoop on what was on tap for tomorrow!
Egg on avocado toast: hipster breakfast of champions!
May I present, Dr. Wayne Fletcher…You may recognize his name as one of the endorsers of “Walking with Grace.” He was a dear mentor during my time at CalBaptist, helped me get my first job, worked tirelessly to get me a bed in an elite neuro rehab facility right after my accident, and has just been an amazing instrument of God’s grace in our lives. So sweet to get to see him again!
This little lady stole both our hearts in a flash! I’ve posted a ton of pictures on Facebook and Insta so I’ll try to show some discretion here 😉
This was taken in Georgia on a Walmart run to buy groceries. Me to Ivan: “We’re not in San Jose anymore…”
Our tribe on Easter Sunday
Meanwhile, back at the ranch waited some high-maintenance and persnickety felines…

Thank you for indulging me with this jaunt down memory lane! My hope is that it injected a little humor into your day and brought to life a ministry opportunity that, while exciting, might have sounded a bit abstract or difficult to imagine happening in real time. We love you all and praise God for what he is doing in and through us all together as a spiritual family. Soli Deo Gloria!

9 thoughts on “Across the Continent in 40 Days

  1. I’m so happy you were able to spend time giving your testimony to various places, especially CalBaptist. I was able to view your speaking at Wheaton. You and Ivan did an amazing job. So thankful about managing the airport experience without any seizures. Thank you, God. I am so thankful you are not experience some of those difficult health issues and are able to travel. Praise the Lord for so many answers to prayers by your friends.


  2. I’m so happy you were able to spend time giving your testimony to various places, especially CalBaptist. I was able to view your speaking at Wheaton. You and Ivan did an amazing job. So thankful about managing the airport experience without any seizures. Thank you, God. I am so thankful you are not experience some of those difficult health issues and are able to travel. Praise the Lord for so many answers to prayers by your friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just thrilled beyond words that I got to see you speak at CBU Grace and Ivan. I am seriously blown away by all God has done. So so grateful for the major miracle of healing of seizures and this newfound ability to do what previously would have been impossible. God is surely “walking with Grace!” Love you two so much,


    Love the book already too!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Grace,

    Thank you so much for all of the pictures and the fantastic video in Edman Chapel! Wheaton is my alma mater, and I teared up when seeing the picture of you and Ivan at the sound check. I thank God that your seizures have ceased and pray regularly that you will be able to play the violin again. Now that you have found your gifting as a writer, perhaps He will bring the music back. It can’t hurt to ask! 🙂

    May God bless you and Ivan abundantly! Thank you for sharing!

    Judy Marc

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! Edman was indeed stunning, and we were even more blown away by the maturity and Christlikeness of the students we met there! As for music – stay tuned! (Pun intended 😉 ) We have some very exciting news coming soon!


  5. thank you Grace…I am amazed to see how our Heavenly FATHER has hit the switch of the Light of HIS Glory in you and your families life.
     Hallelujah to that; thank you Great GOD Almighty…You are super very Kind, Merciful and Loving to us all….it’s hard to imagine the time we will all be together with you!


  6. Praising God with you, Grace and Ivan, for his supernatural enabling as you shared the good news of his work in your lives! You two really blessed our son Luke when he got to see you at CBU. What a blessing that you got to see your brand new niece! -Samantha Elliott


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